The Way East-Episode 2

We’ve arrived in Oklahoma City and have stayed for 5 nights, visiting relatives, seeing sights, and reliving past experiences all while marveling at how much the landscape has changed. We arrived from Whitney Texas after a one-night stand in Thousand Trails. We traveled the same day Sulphur OK was hit by the devastating tornado and fortunately we were about an hour ahead of it. Hit some of the rain bands, but thankfully no hail or tornados. Whew! Must give props to the state of Oklahoma. The campground at Lake Thunderbird was not only uncrowded, but the cement pad was nice to park on. No sewer hookup, but we arrived with empty tanks, so 5 days was not an issue. 50 Amp service and water more than made up for it and we basically had the whole place to ourselves. Three of the five days saw rain, but after being in the humid desert that is Brownsville, a welcome relief.

Thuderstorm at Lake Thunderbird.

Had a wonderful visit with Vicki’s Aunt Teresa and her daughter Amber and her son Levi. A little over a year old and what a bundle of energy. He has a totally infectious smile and does everything full tilt.

While in OKC we did enjoy the local cuisine, specifically a Del Rancho Chicken Fried Steak sandwich. High in calories, low in nutrition, but mighty tasty!! Teresa also took us to Tecumseh OK for lunch when we had a huge portion of BBQ brisket nachos. A great combination of flavors and total comfort food.

Of course no RV trip would not be complete without some minor glitches in RV systems. The generator is acting up a bit by running for about an hour then quitting. I think it may be a vanished fuel filter, so will obtain a new filter and when I can, will try to replace it. Also, the inverter may be on the fritz as the circuit which is part of the inverter is not electrified with 110V. So will have to do some research and possible purchase and install a new inverter. Always something when you’re full fiming.

We did get to the Cowboy Hall of Fame and enjoyed all the classic works of art, especially the Remington collection. Also got to see some wonderful Native American with many pieces from the Pacific Northwest tribes.

Who says it doesn’t pay to advertise? On the second day out, we get a call from our For Rent sign and lo and behold, we have our place rented for at least 10 months from a couple who was all ready renting in Riverbend. Long story short, they saw the sign, called and we’re renting to them on a month to month basis. Found a lease doc on the interwebs, downloaded, filled it out and sent it to them today. Should be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Sometimes opportunity knocks, and other times it kicks the door in.

We loaded up today the 2nd of May and pointed our noses North Eastward towards Tulsa. We will be spending a night just outside of Tulsa as we make our way to Springfield Missouri tomorrow to visit and stay a night at the Route 66 vintage car museum. Photos to follow in the next blog post.

Vicki had a tough night last night as she had a sore throat which was essentially swallowing razor blades. Have been treating with salt water gargles, cough drops and an occasional hit of codeine cough syrup. At least we are not driving huge amounts of distance. Thankfully we are only going a little over 100 miles tomorrow, so hopefully she feels a bit better.

Other than that all is well as we work our way East. If any of you are wondering where we are traveling and when, send me an IM or comment and I’ll send you our schedule. If we’re near you, please IM us and we’ll try to stop by and say howdy!. Did I mention we’re still loving retirement?


  1. Kathy Taliaferro

    Next time for reference…. Lake Thunderbird is 20 minutes from your twin twin ❤️

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