The Journey East : Episode 3

Using the theme of The Bangles, it’s just another Manic Monday! We’re in Fenton Missouri, just outside of St Louis and we’re experiencing the spring rainy season. Actually, it’s kind of nice, except when having to take the dog for her morning walk and constitutional. We have gun metal grey skies reminiscent of the Pacific Northwest, only a touch warmer. Realizing that we are not on vacation, but rather retired, we are limiting ourselves to a gentler pace while in the St Louis area. We’ll be visiting friends, seeing the Arch, and then walking the St Louis Zoo. If there’s time, may even try to sneak in a ball game.

After much brain scratching, I came up with a solution to the dead circuit in the front of the coach. An incredibly simple fix which was almost too simple once discovered. Apparently, the front of the coach is part of the inverter system and the GFI had been overloaded and tripped. Reset button pushed and wellah! Power restored to the front plugs.

Still have generator issues and hopefully can contact Cummins-Onan and find someone to work on our generator. If not, we’ll have to bite the bullet and replace it. OUCH!!!

As mentioned earlier, we are in Spring weather here in Missouri which means thunderstorms. Not such a good thing for Roxie as she is deadly frightened of the noise. Thankfully the vet prescribed some doggie downers so she can get through them. We’ve had lots of lightning and heavy rain, but thankfully no tornadoes.

We arrived in Springfield in mid afternoon at a harvest host Route 66 car museum. It was advertised as being level near the white building, but upon arrival, not so much! Also, without a generator, would not have been a comfortable stay. The museum was nice and the curator was very understanding when we told him we’d not be staying. But to keep our Harvest Host credentials, we did exceed the $30 recommended purchase by 3 fold. Got some cool stuff for our new lot as well as a couple of Christmas gifts. We then proceeded to break one of our cardinal rules of full timing and went to a KOA for the night. $88 is a bit excessive for a 50 amp site. It was nice and level, we were escorted in and we had a patio with bbq, fire pit, and even a lawn swing. We were next to the tent area, so that made for interesting dinner observations as we watched folks set up, sleep in and on their cars and then scramble when the downpours came! Quite entertaining! Did have a train track that was literally outside the campground, but that’s standard for whenever we stay at a KOA. Thankfully the trains stopping running and sounding their horns around 10:00.

We did stop and have lunch Saturday at a Route 66 roadside attraction. Uranus Fudge factory. You can imagine the double intradas that come out of such a business. Lot’s of t-shirts, posters, and knick-knacks available along with lots of photo opportunities. As you walked out the door of the gift shop you couldn’t help but laugh as the farewell salutation was ‘thank you for picking Uranus!’. 12 year old boys all over the world just love that!!! I felt right at home!!! LOL A huge shout out to Christy Stillwell for recommending that stop.

Driving into Missouri was a bit of challenge Saturday as there was road construction on I-44 which literally brought the traffic to a stand-still. We covered 2 miles in a little over an hour. So weird especially since it was a Saturday and they weren’t working! We did get our first dose of how rude Missouri drivers can be, from not signaling to cutting across three lanes to exit thinking they might avoid the traffic jam. Everyone here seems to be in a hurry. It happened again in Costco when a guy literally pulled a shopping cart right out of Vicki’s hands without a word. Must have been in a hurry!! Finally, one of Vicki’s pet peeve’s when shopping at Aldi’s. A guy was in the frozen food section and after he looked at an item in the case, he left the case door open so as to allow the glass to fog and allowing warm air in. HOW RUDE!!!

My mission today is to find a generator repair guy or a new generator. Wish me luck. Still loving retirement.

1 Comment

  1. Deb lamantia

    Can’t wait to see you both on Wednesday!!
    Let us know if you need anything prior to😊😘

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