We have finally embarked on our epic East Coast adventure. It started basically on Wednesday as I had to go to Weslaco to have my hearing tested to possibly get some VA benefits and maybe even some hearing aids. There are definitely issues, but it is still to be determined if it relates to my time in the military. The lady who did the testing was very pleasant and discussed all the options and procedures so that even my Mad Cow addled brain could understand.
On Wednesday we also got a for rent sign for our property as well as a final closing on our new property there at River Bend. Refer to the pictures in the last blog. A huge shout out to Jim and Kat Cannon for making this a very fun and easy process.
Having bid adieu to all of our friends we could find at Riverbend and Brownsville, we hit a micro snag as we prepared to leave Thursday morning. As I reconnected the power steps, flipped the switch, opened the door…aaannnddd…NOTHING! The steps did not come out of their designated area to be climbed lovingly by myself and my beautiful bride. So after a brief Samuel L. Jackson tirade, I walked down to Dan Bailey’s house (who shall I say is the most skilled RV repairman to ever to bless this earth!) and asked him to take a look. I diagnosed the problem as a bad toggle switch, but he had reservations. So we get back to the rig, open the door, and lo…with Dan’s mystical aura, the steps worked fine. A bit slow perhaps, but worked none-the-less. I’m telling you, the man is a mystic!! He did suggest putting a squirt of WD-40 on all the moving parts, but other than that he gave it his blessing and said, “Be safe o traveler of the mighty RV.
So bright and early Thursday morning (if 8:30 is bright and early) we pointed our noses north, yelled wagons ho, and headed to Harlengen to fuel the coach. We put 260 miles on the coach and called it a day in Elmendorf, Texas as the Vista Ridge RV Park and storage. Not a bad little pull through and we were met at the gate by the camp host who escorted us to our spot and then had a nice welcome sack filled with some nice information about the park, San Antonio, and even a frisbee and a zen wasp trap.
Since we are trying to make Oklahoma by Saturday, Friday was another long drive heading north through Texas. Did I mention, we are not together in the coach. Vicki is driving the Maverick behind me while I’m leading the way in the coach. Rather than towing, we are seeing if we will save money by this method. We have Walkie Talkies and chat the whole trip as if we were side by side. Haven’t seen the sun yet this trip as we’ve have clouds and high humidity the entire trip. We did hit our first weather as we arrived in Whitney Texas. Huge thunderstorm with possible tornado sightings near us. As we left I-35, the weather service went off on our phones and the radio to take cover. We had no idea where this tornado was, so just kept driving, but with a wary eye on the storm that surrounded us. Thankfully there was no hail, just torrential downpours. We had to wait about an hour to slide out for the rain to subside. The generator is acting a bit uppity, so I went and got a quart of oil, cleaned out the air filter and all seemed good again. We’ll see as we head to Oklahoma. Will update again in a couple of days and describe our experiences in OKC. Still loving retirement.
As a quick cliff hanger, we did get a phone call from some nice folks that are looking to rent our property for a year, but the details are going to be in the next post.