Post AZ trip

An extended period of time has passed since my last post, so to keep you better informed, let me catch you up. Just returned from a man trip to Arizona where I had the privilege of hanging out with my son and youngest grandson for the Arizona Spring Championship Tournament. What a great time! Was able to reconnect, spend quality time with them, catch a spring training game, and watching my grandson’s team go 5-0 and won the whole ball of wax. The SoCal teams took for granted the kids from the Pacific Northwest which turned out to be a huge mistake. They started with a tough win over South Pasadena, but the most nerve-racking game was against the OC Vigilantes. After taking a 10- 0 lead in the first two innings, the Cannons kept their cool and came back and won the game 12-10. That led to the grand finale, a rematch with the team we’d beaten once before. Emmett was a standout for 5 innings allowing only 2 runs and the ball only left the infield once on a long can of corn to the outfield. The boys are truly fun to watch and not only have the heart of  a lion, but pick one another up as they play as a team!

While I was gallivanting about the Southwest, Vicki was home fighting off some cootie and still recovering from hammer toe surgery. The procedure went well and after a week the doctor said all was progressing well. She’ll have her stitches removed in two weeks and she walks better each day with the walking shoe the doctor gave her.

While in Arizona, I did get to bump into our good friends Ron and Shar, John and Kathy from the BC north. It was so good catching up with them and we enjoyed an evening at Cheese Cake factory where calories didn’t count on account this was truly a social visit. It was so good seeing them all and I wished that Vicki could have been there heir to join us as we talked about everything and generally laughed all evening as we shared our RV experiences.

Another fun attribute of AZ was getting to go see the Dodgers play a spring training game. They lost, but we did get to see Mookie Betts hit a towering home run! Spring training is so much fun as you are so close to the players and hear every word they say. Too much fun!!!

Just a bit of rant here, air travel ain’t what it used to be. It absolutely amazes me how rude we’ve become as a society. Airports are crazy places to begin with, but arrive early, slow down, and enjoy the experience. Flying out from Houston, I was seated next to a Karen who could not find anything pleasant about the experience. We were 19th in line for takeoff after getting onto the taxi way and a lady next to us got up to go to the bathroom. The guy with the passive-aggressive comment of ‘My God, couldn’t she hold it. We won’t be able to taxi and we’ll have to go back to the gate’. REALLY? At our age, when you gotta go, you gotta go! It didn’t disrupt anything, we continued to taxi and the world didn’t end. If you can’t say something nice STFU!!! We then had turbulence for the last hour of the flight and the male Karen complained that the flight attendants could clear his lunch tray. Hello?!? The plane is bouncing like a car on a cobblestone road, safety means much more than you cheese plate that you only ate ½ of. Some people.

Got to the rental car place and I would not recommend NuCar as your source. Other than a shuttle driver who was practicing to be an auctioneer giving the high points of Phoenix, their service was at best…meh. Had a nice Malibu, although it is much lower to the ground than our Marverick which made getting in and out exciting to say the least. Another observation I made about Phoenix, apparently all the freeway drivers are qualifying for NASCAR. Goodness gracious, I was driving 10 over and I was getting passed like I was standing still!!! Maybe my speedometer was set in km, so 70 is much slower in Arizona!

Have returned back to Texas for a fairly large honey do list so I guess I’ll close for now. Know that we love comments on the blog, but if you don’t have anything to say, do feel obliged to comment. Also know if we don’t specifically mention you, you are still in our thoughts. Other than that, we are still loving retirement.


  1. Molly Lee

    Great seeing you Fred! It was such a great experience for all of us to witness what those Cannon boys can do! Enjoy your time in Texas and who knows where we’ll see each other again…..another Cannon’s adventure????

  2. Hi guys
    So enjoyed your visit, but it was far to short. Sorry we missed Vicki, hopefully we will see both of you soon. Take care and safe travels.
    Thanks again for a wonderful evening
    Shar and Ron ❤️❤️

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