Brownsville is a happening place, but to be truthful, not much is happening. The week has basically come and gone with nothing truly spectacular to report. We did have to take Annie to the vet and got some saddening news. While Banfield did surgery on her right back leg bump, it came back with a vengeance and definitely impedes her movement. Our guess is, is that the Vet in Vegas was more concerned about up selling a hospital program, rather than making our little girl better. In the Dr notes we requested, most of the report was about the teeth cleaning he preformed rather than the lump removal from her leg. Needless to say, not happy with Banfield. Our new vet here in Brownsville has done a needle aspiration of the lump and has sent it off to Texas A&M vet school for analysis. Sadly, she thinks it’s probably a malignant cancer and the prospects are not looking to good. I meet with the vet on the 6th to discuss all of our options.
Another bit of sad news to report, a man whom I never had the privilege to meet face to face, but I felt like I knew him so well through social media and his wonderful wife has been called to the light of God. Carl Peter Ingvoldstad passed away recently from Parkinson’s Disease. If I could ask all of my followers to please toss some white light and positive energy to his wife Mary Beth during this time it will surely be appreciated. She is such a good person and was my piano teacher about 100 million years ago.
In terms of today’s blog title, we are counting down the days until, Vicki’s trip, my surgery, and social security. Vicki will be heading to Washington on Labor Day to spend a week with her dad. That means I’ll be left here alone…unsupervised…which could lead to disaster. My hip surgery is scheduled for the 18th and that can’t happen soon enough. While opioids certainly make television a new adventure, I’ll be glad to lose the cane and walk normally again. Not looking forward to the discomfort of rehab, but it will be a small price to pay. Also, since we applied for our social security benefits, we’re waiting for them to fund on the 3rd Wednesday of September. Can hardly wait.
Vicki has been fighting an upper respiratory infection which has been ongoing for over 3 weeks. She tried to get into the doctor, but when she described her symptoms at the doctor’s office, they asked to leave as they thought she might have Covid. This was on Monday, and so they asked to come to the back door on Thursday to be tested. We were both freaked out so went and bought an OTC Covid test and guess what? Negative!!! We then went to the Doctor’s office and she was tested again, and guess what part 2? Still negative. They did a phone appointment rather than see her in person and have put her on a bronchitis regime of medicines. Hopefully this will clear her up and get her back to breathing normal again. She’ll have an appointment with a pulmonologist when she gets back from Washington to truly diagnose her situation. So we’ll let you know as soon as we find out.
With that, there is not to much else to report other than the fact that South Texas is still hotter than blazes. No sign of rain or cooling anytime soon, so we will remain one with the Air conditioned RV. I’ll close this post for now, but need I mention it? We’re still loving retirement.
Thank you so much for thinking of me, my friend.. Life is very lonely right now but I will be back to church tomorrow to begin playing again and that will help soothe my soul. You get yourself fixed up and all my best to you and your lovely bride. Love you!