Sorry for not writing more, been suffering with writer’s block and just general hip pain. Keeps me less motivated to sit and write and more motivated to sleep and stay cool in the rig. The big white ball in the sky has been producing 90+ degree days with >50% humidity. Not real conducive to working outside, but all things normally done when in a RV must still be accomplished. It does slow things down a bit.
Good news, a few more hurdles to the surgery saga have been cleared. After seeing the Ortho doc, he needed to get permission from my primary care physician to be released for surgery. That meant making an appointment, blood work, EKG, UA, and physical to insure I was fit for surgery. Dr. Hernandez told me that the likelihood of death was only .04%, which I consider to be pretty good odds in my favor. However, I did have a strange rhythm in the EKG, so off to the Cardiologist I went for a second opinion. Dr McKennon said all was well, just a little enlarging of the heart due to A-fib or TMB. (Too many birthdays!) However, it was nothing to concern ourselves with. So then it was back to Dr Hernandez’s office to hand carry the permission to get an appointment for pre-op. That took two trips across town as Dr Hernandez’s office forgot to include the UA. That squared away, we’ve scheduled an appointment with Dr. Quesada, the orthopedic surgeon for my pre op and finally getting the insurance blessing within 2 weeks and finally the much needed surgery!.
So to fill the time, we’ve been doing chores and enjoying coffee and some meals in our screened in room. It is so nice to sit outside and enjoy the birds, the breezes, the ducks and squirrels antics all while sipping coffee with my lovely bride. We’ve chosen a Tiki bar theme inside so one wall is a feature wall complete with grass skirting and Tiki heads. Will look for patio furniture if it ever goes on clearance. Especially a 3 butt couch, more for stretching out and taking a nap than for seating!
Our youngest grandson Emmett is excelling in baseball as he and his teammates have won the last 2 tournaments. Plus his little league team is undefeated. Oliver is doing well and enjoying first year of middle school although he’s not thrilled about all the drama associated with it. Took a young lady to the movies for a first date and had a wonderful time. Dominic is doing well although very busy with his now electrician’s apprenticeship. Discovering what adulting is all about and like all of us, discovering that it’s harder than it looks. Still very proud of him and his accomplishments in 21 short years.
Fur babies are doing well and had to take Annie to the local vet for her skin shot. We met a interesting Vet, Dr Gonzales who treated her. The 70 year old vet was very comfortable in his skill set and was not concerned with upselling but rather just keeping a 14 y/o dog happy and as pain free as possible. He simply recommended finding a diet which kept them happy.
Your thoughts and prayers for Diana T seem to be helping so please keep them coming. We’d like to add some power thought for our friend Linda B, who crashed on her trike and broke her femur. Ouch!! She had a 1 hour surgery which included pins, screws, and plates and so that leg won’t be weight bearing for at least 3 months. That’s going to make RV life challenging in the least.
As I’ve complained many times before about finding parts for the RV, we think we’ve procured a toggle switch (finally) for the sunshade. We’ll have most of the RV repaired and when we head to Washington in late July early August, we’ll finally get the awning replaced. It’s a never-ending battle keeping up with RV maintenance but one that keeps me off the couch. Speaking of staying off the couch, we did get permission to paint our shed and so have been doing that about an hour a day due to the heat. We slightly changed the color, but not enough to cause the park rats to complain.
Not too much else to report, so will close for now. Did I mention? We’re still lovin’ retirement.
Good you have your hip on schedule. Pain is so debilitating! Is that Diana Tootle you are referring to?
Good to read of your adventures. Keep loving life!💞
Thanks so much! And in answer to your question, yes it is.
Always enjoy your blog…glad to hear you are finally getting “fixed”😉 life is so much easier when you’re pain free.
Thanks so much! Will try to be a bit more diligent and frequent with the blog. Looking forward to being a transformer with a new hip!! Airports should be fun. LOL
Thanks for the shout out to Linda. She gets discharged Saturday. I moved to the new site that has a ramp yesterday, so we’re ready for her to come home.
Glad to hear she’s getting out. You’ve got to go full Drill Sargent Diener on her to make her rehab in a positive way. “I’LL TELL YOU WHAT!!”