Brownsville State of Mind

So a week has flown by as well as a publishing Saturday, so here it is Sunday and time to catch up. We are in Brownsville for the long haul, but more on that a bit later. Summer basically has a strangle hold on the RGV with temperatures exceeding 100 on the temperature scale and 155+ on the misery index. We basically have to do things early in the morning outside, or they will not get done. Also I feel like my days back in high school on the water polo team as a huge amount of time is spent in the pool. The only difference being, instead of being a comfortable, but chilly 73 degrees, the pool here is in the upper 80’s thanks to the excessive heat. Bath water is a better description.

We are both doing well and made it through our birthdays with flying colors. So much so that we have both decided to take our Social Security, rather than wait to the “full” retirement ages of 66 and 6 and 66 and 8. We’d break even at 79 so why use up our 401 k. Also, now that we are both on Medicare, our out of pocket medical expenses have dropped significantly. We had a wonderful gathering Sunday with our close friends here in the park and had a joyous time of laughter and celebration of both our birthdays. A huge shout out to Robert and Christie, Dan and Becky, Sean and Gail, and of course Keith, Eldon, Ross and Hilda. Enjoyed a delicious BBQ and Christie even made us chocolate covered strawberries with googly eyes!! So fun!!

Got a bit of great news in reference to my hip surgery. It is fast tracked for the 18th of September, so after Vicki returns from WA the 12th of September, we’ll get me into the hospital and on the road to a relatively pain free life. Then 6 months later, it knee replacement surgery. Probably won’t be able to get through an airport, but who cares? At least I’ll be pain free.

Am looking into possible VA disability as I’ve been informed that some of my conditions may be related to my service all those years ago. I could be entitled to a little cash, which in the scheme of things beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

We are getting settled in for the year long stay here in Brownsville, so that has meant doing some much needed chores around the rig. I’ve built a hand rail on our stairs up to the rig, placed a solar shade on the south side of the screen room, and cut down some of the dead plants around the property to include our lime tree which passed in the winter of 2021. Still have to order parts for the generator to change oil and filters as well as the coach itself. Will skeeter about on my creeper and hope that I don’t create an ecological disaster during the process.

We are both using WW on line and have lost almost 50 lbs combined since the first week in July. Hasn’t been to terribly difficult and it is sure nice to see our toes again! LOL. I still have federal jury duty the month of September, however with the hip replacement, I’m hoping to get that completely excused. I’m sure no lawyer wants a cranky, 65 year old on painkillers on their jury. But we shall see! LOL

Not too much else to report this week as we are getting into our routine here in Brownsville. But I must still say, still loving retirement.