Day 6 essentially has caught you up with the major portions and issues in our retirement, so as not to bore you will minutia, I’ll probably not publish quite so frequently, unless you the reader demand it. As previously mentioned, we are going to be back on the road around the first of April. We are planning our travels, essentially 1000 miles at a time and making reservations accordingly. Our initial trip will take us north through Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois. From there my guess is that we’ll head east and really break new ground. With cooperating weather, interesting Americana, and time on our side, we’ll report how the trip progresses through our blog. Definitely stay tuned.
While we are down here for now, we are both trying to increase our minds and bodies with new hobbies. We are now using the interwebs and learning how to dance again. Nothing difficult for the rhythm challenged folks like us, but fun nonetheless. Vicki is going to use her Christmas present, metal detecting, and put forth a more concerted effort into finding lost treasure. I’ve definitely been playing more golf and once past this skin cancer issue, look to see more time under the sun, just in a really big hat and long sleeves.
Looking forward to the Superbowl as it is usually a great time to get together with friends on the premise of a sporting event. The game is really just an enhancement of the comradery of such a get together, while talking smack about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. I do have to rant just a smidge, so please indulge me. While reading the news on the interwebs this morning, I came across a story which stated that Taylor Swift is a democratic plant meant to swing the election in Joe Biden’s favor. Seriously? Has the right drunk so much of the Kool-aide that they have gone back for a 4th and 5th pitcher? If this weren’t so damned stupid it would be laughable, but with right wing conspiracy theories being put out by uncontrolled media outlets, for some reason those in the extremes are gaining traction. C’mon America, we are smarter and better than that. While we may not agree with everything our government does, we always have an opportunity to change it every 2 to 4 years. Become truly informed, look at a candidates position, look at their past performance and make a truly informed decision. Please don’t give in to those that scream the loudest, but rather, do your own research. Don’t let media, right or left, make your decision. We need moderates who will work to compromise through bipartisanism. We need leaders who will take our country in a positive direction. We need politicians who serve at the will of the people, not at the ability to get continually reelected. Extreme positions are neither beneficial or positive for our country, but do have the right to be heard. However, they do not need to be the driving force of our country. Left or Right, we need to come together or we are going to be like a one legged duck and just swim in circles. (heard that last night on the local news and thought it was hysterical!)
Not to much else to report. Thank you for allowing me to rant a bit and will promise not to do that too frequently. Other than that, we are still loving retirement.