Yesterday was a bit of a down day in terms of themes, so today I thought I’d lighten up just a bit. Since we are in Texas for an extended period of time, we are all about improving our living conditions here in South Texas. The biggest change here happened after the holidays. We both decided to upgrade our refrigerator with a residential model and with the help of our good friend, Dan Bailey, we’ve now gone from a 10 ft3 to a 17 ft3 Samsung fridge with ice maker. Although it took two days to install, with some minor modifications, it was relatively easy to install. Although we couldn’t have done it without Dan’s help and knowledge of RV repair. A huge shout out to Dan once again!! It is so nice having extra refrigerated space as well as a freezer that holds more than 2 TV dinners. Also having an Alaska Glacier of ice at our disposal in South Texas is so wonderful!
Technology also raised its ugly head just after the holidays. Vicki’s laptop crashed with the blue screen of death. Just up and decided life was no longer worth living. What is it about technology that once the warrantee expires the equipment gives up the ghost? Oh well, it meant a trip to Amazon and replace the thing. It just meant Vicki spent two days doing her morning routine on her phone and her crossword times were severely limited.
The winter weather here in South Texas has been predictable and very nice overall. We did have our first week of winter which basically involves 2 days of freezing temperatures and by freezing, I mean lows in the 40’s. For Shar and Ron, Mike and Lynne, John and Kathy, that would be 4 – 5 C. LOL!!! Mostly we’ve been in the mid 70’s during the day and low 60’s at night with mostly clear blue skies. However, we did have grey skies during the week of cold weather. So not seeing the sun for almost a week led to a park full of cranky old people. Thankfully though, the sun has returned, and joy has returned to Riverbend!
Vicki has made the last two trips in a pressurized aluminum tube at 30,000 feet so I guess it is my turn to fly away while she remains here holding the fort. I’m going at the end of February to see my youngest grandson Emmett play baseball in Arizona. So looking forward to seeing him play again and catching up with he and his father. Hopefully we’ll take in a couple of spring training games as well and make it a bonding experience for all. Emmett is turning out to be quite a ball player with his eyes on the prize, while still enjoying the game itself. This kid is going to go far.
Like any good serial, I’m not going to give you all the info all at once, just enough to keep you coming back for more. Still have over 10 more topics I need to catch up on, but that would make your read excessive. So will close until tomorrow, but did I mention? We’re still loving retirement.